
Showing posts from October, 2020
  The LTEC-6210: Literature Review Blog Research is a critical component of a Ph.D. Program. It allows a potential scholar to expand their textbook knowledge to understand their chosen field out of the classroom. It fosters critical thinking and enhances analytical skills through experimental learning. By doing research, a student expands his knowledge in the chosen field outside his classroom, as it allows broader educational experience by applying new ideas through study and testing. We, as students, can utilize that experience in the field later in future endeavors. This exercise of reviewing some 30 plus scholarly writings in my interest reinforces the foundation of knowledge on the Intelligent Tutoring System. I was able to identify prior work done on this mode of teaching and learning. I was able to find the gaps in research and problems related to student's engagement in case of boredom and zoning out while using a machine to learn. I could identify that learning effective...
  The Multimedia and Computer S upported Cooperative Work The exercise of viewing presentations by my classmates was a great example of learning from other's experiences. This interpersonal transfer of knowledge-in-use is quite necessary for individual and organizational learning. Learning from others depends on people's ability to integrate their own and others' experiences. In order to do that successfully, people have to abstract from single experiences (that they or others have had) and recognize those features that different situations have in common. This type of learning is termed observational learning, also known as vicarious learning, social learning, or modeling. This type of learning occurs as a function of observing, retaining, and replicating novel behavior executed by others. It could be argued that reinforcement affects which responses one will partake in, more than it influences the actual acquisition of the new response. It may be noted here that imit...